

Friday, September 30, 2011

In a memory

Like new life is yesterday borne
 Then opening it with many story
 and just to Us, always remember a period to that
 Cherry tender many  age  do not always become laugh

 And bolt to become is big, bringing many memory
 There is many story in it
 We always wish to remind
 And or, do not. because memory have to feel by xself
 Memory  is a period  to respecting

 When cherry colour it
 As for on the contrary memory become tempest
 When a cherry become sorrowful story

 And a memory is  story
 We can its it at heart
 Or narrating it
 In a memory

30 September 2011
Ayar Adsa

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Far in my subconsiousness

 You are transforming real to a love
 And glorious Peacefulness
 But is me, I’m is the the tempest
 I only ask pity compassion which is  power of God

 Hopefully do not add many tempest again
 Only pray and prayer, hopefully my effort make meaning
 At  life of  beloved people which have my disregard
 But, what is the meaning of me, without God ,
 and I have the power you
 I [is] the the time which is,
 castaway far from part

 and for a while,  many is uncared from altogether
 Don't know why moment in this time,
time disregard I am
 Far from inmost subconsiousness
 I want to be happy time to people who I love

30 September 2011
Ayar Adsa


Happy Moment memory

 My Sorrowful of race along, eye moment drip tear
 Likely I is borned is sinful
 Then my eye turn tail to see because tear drop
 I are conscious fully, this moment we have to feel insult

 As for day will continue, changing with a number of feeling
 Where our moment feel,
 And will many drawn story in it
 Leaving over many story

 And there is, its moment of happy us
 We forget, there is our moment of loss feel that
 And weep become because sorrow which is in
 Is only kept quiet by which is  still at heart
28 September 2011
Ayar Adsa

Later Then day

 Don't know what thought up
 at the time of eye is  staring at each other
 But mouth to be locked,
then we are own story  alone
 Only heart  which always sign, will  be other day tone
 Our moment  is  addressing each other and open forgiveness door

 Have been long enough date from waited and go
 And sun  show its light with  during tens of year
 Last of month,  moon enlighten is dark of night,
like a  heart  which is quiet  in soul
 Beautiful memory, and become one in story

 And since eye closed ,but  heart  saying
 One day wait, will be true  come
 A story, which is have story  to about day and day
 Where liver always say, I is the the missing soul
 And I will return to wait

28 sept 2011
Ayar Adsa


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

You are Is, tear driblet

 You is planted tear at heart
 Before you born that tear have come to tempest
 And without our tear feel to become is other
 Without sorrow

 And you is tear racing along
 One in conscious desire and step
 felt it Just to become other when tear become to run dry
 We take pride in each highness

Tear for the loved one of
 Affection tear
 Happy Tear
 Conscious Expression  is full of meaning , and part
 And you  is tear driblet

24 September 2011
Ayar Adsa

One Day Wait

 You will know   who is me,
 my Ill, is my bitter of
 is difficult life
 And become strong desire of  moment you is conciousness
 Will many again tempest which you know

 And shadowy long, making me fear
 In condensed dark without its it him moon
 Last without felt us fetch up all standing at one love story
 And become far from a desire
 My life is in-difficult although tempest and tempest continue to punch

 From all good angle of noon  or night
 Because you know
 I am the the that tempest

24 Sept 2011
Ayar Adsa

Friday, September 16, 2011

My child

 You have come to part of our life
 As your parent
 Is Very meaning in life we
 Become is big, understanding and understanding will a story

 There is many matter which possible you comprehend
 So also with role a mother
 And a father
 Leading you in glory life   gentle hug

 And continue to walk to coincide and place which do not fraternize
 Don't  know until also all will become reality
 Where you will understand a victim meaning and glory
 To a mother and to a father

 And can follow both or one of them
 And enquire in peaceful
 And later you will find answer which

 And [is] same definitive is
 As small as what you accept
 And equal to what you will do
 Step and go forward to continue excellency life

 17 September 2011
 Ayar Adsa

inmost of love

 You are is planted love at heart.
 Soft to so touch at heart
 Nowadays have become part and have to remain to together
 Love word delivering is happy

 So also life cycle meander which do not easy to
 just There is  is of temptation transform
 If [is] same night and noon always
 Song love hum which do not be sorrowful

 Life so easy to without that, but love to huddle up [it] at heart
 Become real dream for the part of
 Life easy to walk with him
 Till become beautiful desire

 Forever will be happy
 Cannot its  elapse
 As easy as saying word
 As beautiful as and remain to forever

16 september 2011
Ayar Adsa

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Malay land

 Articulate of wise words of beauty,
 Hold high august intention
 All King and Grandfather Malay, 
 choping up taboo, to one 

Words country, bardic of song ofis beauty of
and benefaction
In quiet all word string up meaning
In Malay land

12 September 2011
Ayar Adsa 


 Ill that respect, ha… ha…….. mad base?
 Might possibly there is ugly badness delay,
 Don'T know start ill when that come
 Sudden, from delivering birth us have felt

 From food which we eat
 From beverage which we drink
 From money which we take in secrecy from others
 From our money darken for the others of.

 From beautiful perforced
 From snubbing for the praise of
 From pain for the pain of

27 July 2011
Ayar Adsa 

Rotten and Ugly

 Become taste, 
 jabing nose but do not in heart.
 Say words,platitude. 

 Only just baby of its words which sometime make we do not understand.
 But very happy if/when listening it.
 And become Adult, have clever play word, 
 turning around word, jabing word, being in love word
 Like talking with leaf and stone.

  16 July 2011
   Ayar Adsa 


 You will feel many bitter matter, pain 
 just If  is of  time without that 
 You will get heart praise, without meaning
 In shadowing heart,

 kept quiet
 With all feeling and sign
 People might possibly spell out members, ” to what end, unnecessarily base”.
 Only have compunction thousands to waiting categorically
 If and suppose

 Where sweet road;
street, flowery of endless love poem words
 You all will get during from rest of your life, mortally
 When morning  leave from darkness  of night, 
you will get tear of world  

 Feel do not enough only beloved, bitter, all painfulness is  road;
 street go to to come from where from
 He reside in, don’t know when go, or not at all
 Only certainty will one just matter which is thou may not forget

 Its it him learn to accept acrimony feel, don’t have refused
 Become wide of grass  to light of  sun  arm rest, and its  him its night moonlight 

 14 July 2011
 Ayar Adsa

Tell with Words

becoming story, poem or merely incision
 without meaning
Words at heart, on file and hidden.

Worried to sometime huddle up that desire, 

don’t know become at later
Do stamp about to sustain in burden daze
On file only at heart

About of loves, beauty of and many matter

 which is in experiencing of everybody in this world.

24 July 2011
Ayar Adsa